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¡De la aclamada autora de Violencia Doméstica y el Sistema Religioso; Dios tiene un Plan; Power of Change, Leadership, Helping others to Succeed… aquí viene otro éxito y libro más vendido!

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From the acclaimed Author of Violencia Doméstica y el Sistema Religioso; Dios tiene un Plan; Power of Change, Leadership, Helping others to Succeed… here comes another best-selling book!



Author Jacqueline Torres


¡Acción Urgente!

Pastores, Capellanes, Lideres, Ministros y organizaciones sin fines de lucro.  ¡No hay más excusas!

Si no sabías como dirigir las situaciones de violencia doméstica y agresión sexual, ahora puedes aprender y ser parte de la solución. 

Si pensabas que no había víctimas, sobrevivientes o perpetradores/abusadores en tu iglesia, piensa otra vez.

Detenga el círculo vicioso y haga un cambio ahora.  Hazlo hoy y evita decepcionar a otra víctima.  Reconoce que no tenemos todas las respuestas.

Puedes comprar el/los libros para ti mismo o dárselo como regalo a una sobreviviente, organización de fe o comunitaria que trabaja con víctimas de agresión sexual y violencia doméstica.

¡Comencemos comprando el libro! BUY/COMPRAR


Author Jacqueline Torres


$ 19.95paperback


Author Jacqueline Torres


$ 19.95paperback


Author Jacqueline Torres

Manuscritos Publishing Libros Booktique shop


$ 19.95paperback



Me encanta crear y diseñar obras innovadoras. Mi cerebro no deja de funcionar porque hay mucho brillo e ideas reflexivas que deben ponerse en práctica.

I love creating and designing innovative works. My brain doesn’t stop working because there is so much brightness and thoughtful ideas that need to be put into practice.

Author Jacqueline Torres


Designed by Jacqueline Torres

A Mother’s prayer journal

The Prayers of a Mother availeth much. There’s no other prayer so powerful, sincere, and honest than the Mother’s Prayer. The power and strength that come when a mother prays are from a deep soul searching for the love of her child. Mom’s, never stop worrying about the well-being of their children and suffer when they are hurting. Just because a child becomes an adult doesn’t mean that mothers worry less, quite the contrary they worry more because the child is no longer under her immediate care.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by jacqueline torres

a father’s prayer journal

A Father is just as important as a Mother. The responsibilities are designed to be equally shared. The Father establishes a distinguished relationship with his children just like the Mother. Both parents are important in their children’s lives. The meaning of a Father’s prayer for his children is symbolic to developing a strong character in a child life.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by jacqueline torres

grandparent’s prayer journal

It is a great blessing to have both grandparents. Grandparents are the extension of your parents and the lifeline that keeps everything together. Grandparent’s prayer journal is a great gift to have because is the next closest element to being with your grandchildren. Keeping a prayer journal for your grandchildren is a must-have especially if you don’t have them near because it makes you feel that your prayers reaches them in a supernatural way.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

friend’s prayer journal

It is a privilege to have Friends. Friends play an important part in our lives. When we have good friends with great character traits, we want to nourish and keep them. Is not about the quantity of Friends, but the quality of Friends. It is an honor to be able to Pray for those friends who are dear to us.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

friend’s prayer journal

It is a privilege to have Friends. Friends play an important part in our lives. When we have good friends with great character traits, we want to nourish and keep them. Is not about the number of Friends, but the quality of Friends. It is an honor to be able to Pray for those friends who are dear to us.

Debutando la biblioteca de la Dra. Torres.

The wisdom of understanding that passion moves you to something greater than you and compassion connects you.

La sabiduría de entender que la pasión te mueve a algo más grande que tú y la compasión te conecta.  

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

couples prayer journal

When a couple prays together the burden is lighter. When two people in love learn to pray through their circumstances the bond is stronger and not easily broken. This Couples Prayer Journal is a perfect gift to encourage other couples to pray together and stay together.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

couples prayer journal

When a couple prays together the burden is lighter. When two people in love learn to pray through their circumstances the bond is stronger and not easily broken. This Couples Prayer Journal is a perfect gift to encourage other couples to pray together and stay together. As a young couple starts their journey together is good to have a prayer journal that will keep you focus.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by jacqueline torres

my prayer journal

This journal is another way you can write your spiritual experiences, your special prayer requests and keep track of all the answered prayers as you continue to experience the intimate moments of your special prayer space. The journey is long and you get to keep track of your spiritual markers and every place where you’ve been and how you made it through every circumstance.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

mother-to-be prayer journal

Every good and perfect gift is from above. It is a privilege to be a mother and an honor to be the chosen vessel to carry a baby in the most intimate parts of a woman’s life. Having a prayer journal as a gift is the most precious element a woman can have to record the special moments of every milestone of being pregnant until the baby is born.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

mother-TO-be prayer journal

Every good and perfect gift is from above. It is a privilege to be a mother and an honor to be the chosen vessel to carry a baby in the most intimate parts of a woman’s life. Having a prayer journal as a gift is the most precious element a woman can have to record the special moments of every milestone of being pregnant until the baby is born.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

mother-TO-be journal

Every good and perfect gift is from above. It is a privilege to be a mother and an honor to be the chosen vessel to carry a baby in the most intimate parts of a woman’s life. Having a prayer journal as a gift is the most precious element a woman can have to record the special moments of every milestone of being pregnant until the baby is born.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

interpreter’s and translator’s journal

This is the interpreter’s and translator’s journal. A perfect gift for interpreters and translators to keep track of their words and definitions. It can become a self-developed library of words commonly used in the specific industry of the interpreter’s world.  Interpreter’s voices for humanity.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

interpreter’s journal

This is the interpreter’s and translator’s journal. A perfect gift for interpreters and translators to keep track of their words and definitions. It can become a self-developed library of words commonly used in the specific industry of the interpreter’s world.  Interpreter’s voices for humanity.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

interpreter’s & translator’s notebook

This is the interpreter’s and translator’s notebook. A perfect gift for interpreters and translators to keep track of their words and definitions. It can become a self-developed library of words commonly used in the specific industry of the interpreter’s world.  Interpreter’s voices for humanity.  An interpreter is someone who transmits the verbal message from one language to another. A translator is a person who translates the written text from one language to another.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

dream journal

Dream Journals are a great way to keep track of your dreams. Everyone dreams and dreams have messages that if carefully analyze many of the solutions to life’s queries are in our dreams. Dreams manifest in different forms and elements that appear in your dreams have a symbolic significance and interpretation.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

kitty notebook

Pets are kept as a companion. Pets are also a source for guarding something or someone. Pets are wonderful to have because they fill a void that was left by a family or friend. Pets are great for just having a presence wherever you go. This pet pal notebook is great for writing down the memorable times spent together and how much fun you have when you are in each other’s company.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

puppy notebook

Pets are kept as a companion. Pets are also a source for guarding something or someone. Pets are wonderful to have because they fill a void that was left by a family or friend. Pets are great for just having a presence wherever you go. This pet notebook is great for writing down the memorable times spent together and how much fun you have when you are in each other’s company.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

Kitty Mouse notebook

Pets are kept as a companion. Pets are also a source for guarding something or someone. Pets are wonderful to have because they fill a void that was left by a family or friend. Pets are great for just having a presence wherever you go. This pet notebook is great for writing down the memorable times spent together and how much fun you have when you are in each other’s company.

Author Jacqueline Torres


designed by Jacqueline torres

my pet journal

Pets are kept as a companion. Pets are also a source for guarding something or someone. Pets are wonderful to have because they fill a void that was left by a family or friend. Pets are great for just having a presence wherever you go. This pet notebook is great for writing down the memorable times spent together and how much fun you have when you are in each other’s company.

sinopsis de unas PÁGINAS

Author Jacqueline TorresOfrece entrevistas con algunos de los oradores más inspiradores, líderes y autores de hoy, quienes comparten su inestimable perspicacia para encender la imaginación y el logro de los demás. Esta nueva compilación excepcional de las mejores prácticas es una lectura obligada para cualquier persona en una posición de dirección o liderazgo que aspire a guiar a su equipo a niveles de rendimiento aún más altos. Al aprovechar este recurso de liderazgo dinámico, ayudará a su organización a cosechar una mayor productividad, un rendimiento financiero más sólido y relaciones de cliente más poderosas. Más gratificante de todos, usted fomentará un espíritu común más saludable-uno que infunde a toda la organización con una dosis auto-sostenida de entusiasmo y devoción a un trabajo bien hecho.

Lleve su empresa al próximo nivel.

  • Sólo quedan unos pocos en el inventario
  • Ningún líder debe estar sin este libro en su biblioteca si quieren ser eficaces, eficientes y actualizados.

Pida Su Libro Hoy


libro, book, autor, author, escritor, writer, publish, manuscritosUn libro alentador, lleno de inspiración y dedicado a personas que quieran volver a reinventarse en espíritu, mente, cuerpo y actitud, no importando su edad. ¡Aprenda cómo manejar los desafíos de la vida! Escrito por 26 entrenadores de vida, consultores, ponentes y consejeros.   Perfecto para empresas de rápido crecimiento.

Perfecto para empresas de rápido crecimiento.
¡Compre hoy!

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Jacqueline Torres

Artista de Diseño

Author Jacqueline Torres

Author Jacqueline Torres

Author Jacqueline Torres


Author Jacqueline Torres


Author Jacqueline Torres



Author Jacqueline Torres


Author Jacqueline Torres


Author Jacqueline Torres



Author Jacqueline Torres




Author Jacqueline Torres


Author Jacqueline Torres


Author Jacqueline Torres



Author Jacqueline Torres





Author Jacqueline Torres



Author Jacqueline Torres



Author Jacqueline Torres




Author Jacqueline Torres






Author Jacqueline Torres




Author Jacqueline Torres




Author Jacqueline Torres






Author Jacqueline Torres







Author Jacqueline Torres





Author Jacqueline Torres